PeopleSmart Education offers...
Online Training and Workshops for Teachers
DISCovering Me Licenses
Kids DISC for Children
Tools and Resources for
Developing People-Literacy
Tools and Resources
It is our commitment as instructional designers and educators of the DISCovering Me programme to provide effective tools and resources for developing People-literacy skills, so that young people have life skills for building strong and caring relationships. With that in mind we are excited to share with you our PeopleSmart Academy. Recently launched this year, you can find online courses for developing your People-literacy that are both self-paced and instructor lead.
Young people who are self-aware and build Character know how to create loving and kind relationships. As we say here at DISCovering Me..."for things to change first I must change"!
DISCovering Me Licenses
Through a PeopleSmart Enterprises NZ license our Licensees gain access to the DISCovering Me Programme's tools, materials and resources. Come join our team of like minded educators making a difference around the world...
Children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...